English for Speakers of Other Languages – Improve Your English Skills for a Better Future
BEEAS has two kinds of classes for Entry Level learners of English (Pre-Entry to Entry 3/ A1-B1) . Some give you certificates (accredited learning), and some are just for fun (informal learning). In both types of classes, you’ll get better at reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Learning English will help you improve your communication skills. And it’s not all about classroom learning! At BEEAS we like to have a good time while learning. You might visit libraries, museums, and other interesting places around where you live.
With BEEAS not only will you learn to speak English better but you’ll have the chance to make new friends and improve your well being too.
2024-5 Timetable
If you would like to join these classes ring us on our office number (0121 716 6206 / 07942638902) or email us info@beeas.org. You can download our full timetable here.
Please note, BEEAS classes are suitable for entry level learners of English only (Pre-Entry to Entry 3/ A1-B1)
2024-5 Timetable
Click on the pictures to sign up to the following classes for Resettled Refugee Communities (for residents of Birmingham City Council only)
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/qyST6ppMk9N78aMQ6

Sign up to Online Study Skills here: https://forms.gle/roHbFx6kkL7ds8xx8

Sign up to ESOL Chat here: https://forms.gle/VLYuhATs5rvBaQKW9

Sign up to Basic English for Afghan Women here: https://forms.gle/7iQVWfnk6Wp7j9sLA
Sign up to Family Homework Support here: https://forms.gle/bPhhnBD6cujLoazG9